Axiom Mining 2015 Annual Report
Company financial report for the year ended 30 September 2015
(Incorporated in Hong Kong)
75 Directors’ report 77 Independent auditor’s report 79 Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income 80 Statement of financial position 81 Statement of changes in equity 82 Statement of cash flows 83 Notes to the financial statements
90 11. Cash and cash equivalents 90 12. Prepayment and other receivables 90 13. Amounts due from subsidiaries 91 14. Investment in subsidiaries 92 15. Property, plant and equipment 92 16. Trade and other payables 93 17. Borrowings 93 18. Provisions 94 19. Share capital 97 20. Note to statement of cash flows 98 23. Financial risk management and fair values 100 24. Contingent asset and contingent liabilities 100 25. Events after the reporting period 101 26. Directors remuneration 104 27. Fair Value and fair value hierarchy of financial instruments 104 28. Approval of the financial statements 97 21. Commitments 98 22. Related parties
83 1. Corporate information 83 2. Basis of presentation 83 3. Basis of preparation 84 4. Summary of significant accounting policies 89 5. Significant accounting estimates and assumptions 89 6. Revenue 89 7. Share-based payment
89 8. Finance costs 89 9. Loss before tax 90 10. Income tax
All amounts in this financial report are in Australian dollars unless otherwise stated.
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