Axiom Mining 2015 Annual Report
West Guadalcanal Project Tenements: West Guadalcanal (PL 0114) Ownership: 100% Location: West of Guadalcanal Island Area: 485km 2
The tenement is adjacent to known gold-silver (Au-Ag) deposits, including the Gold Ridge Mine and boasts potential for epithermal Au and porphyry Cu-Au style deposits. The exploration targets of Taho, Polo and Mt Tanjili lie within a 10km long carbonate base metal gold epithermal corridor. Axiom gained a Prospecting Licence in January 2014, and an application for renewal is underway. In late 2014, Axiom commenced a 2500m initial drill program at Taho. Mineral assemblages indicate the deposit is part of a carbonate base metal low sulphidation epithermal system—minerals include rhodochrosite, ankerite, siderite, pyrite, galena, sphalerite and various silver-based sulphides (similar to Porgera, Papua New Guinea). By mid-2015, Axiom completed a technical review to assess the further potential at Taho prospect and along the 14km Hoilava River mineralised area. Drilling highlights included: – 7.7m @ 1.05 g/t Au and 13.87 g/t Ag from 19.6m – 7.0m @ 0.69 g/t Au and 28.43 g/t Ag from 32.0m – 13.5m @ 0.52 g/t Au and 6.52 g/t Ag from 56.0m While Axiom’s focus in 2015 has been on the Isabel Nickel Project, we will utilise this technical review to focus the next phase of work in the West Guadalcanal tenement at the appropriate time.
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