AUB Group Limited Annual Report 2023
Group Executives have the opportunity to earn an annual incentive award which is delivered in cash. The STI Plan recognises and rewards short-term performance. The STI Plan is considered to be at-risk remuneration and is not a guaranteed part of Group Executive remuneration. A target opportunity is set for each Group Executive, which is earned if individual performance is on target and the participant performs against a balanced scorecard set of KPIs, which includes both financial and non-financial measures that have weighted allocations and are aligned to AUB Group’s strategic priorities (the Balanced Scorecard). The Board determines the total STI accrual to be distributed. Group Executives (including the CEO) have (on average) a target STI opportunity of 70% of fixed remuneration. The maximum STI payout is capped at a maximum of 150% of a participant’s target STI opportunity. Group Executive performance is assessed against a Balanced Scorecard (for further details of the CEO’s Balanced Scorecard, refer to Table 4). Individual targets as set out in the Balanced Scorecard include consideration as to role-related accountabilities and responsibilities in the context of business strategy and objectives. A behavioural gateway is incorporated into the performance review process and operates to reduce an incentive payment should there be conduct that is inconsistent with AUB Group’s values, irrespective of performance. The Group CEO’s behaviour is assessed by the Board. Group Executives’ behaviours are assessed by the CEO, who recommends eligibility for Group Executive STI to the Board. Underlying NPAT is the key financial performance measure in the Balanced Scorecard, is used by management and the Board to assess operational performance and is a strong indication of the underlying health of the business. The Board considers that a Balanced Scorecard which contains weighted allocations to both financial and non-financial performance conditions is appropriate as they are aligned with AUB Group’s objectives of delivering sustainable growth and returns to shareholders. Group Executives have a clear line of sight to KPIs and are able to directly affect outcomes through their own actions. Group Executives are also assessed on behavior metrics (the ‘how’) which contribute to that individual’s overall performance rating. This operates to reduce an incentive payment should there be conduct that is inconsistent with AUB Group’s values, irrespective of performance. For all individuals, the Board may apply discretion in determining the STI outcomes to ensure they appropriately reflect performance. On an annual basis, a rating is determined for each Group Executive based on an evaluation of their performance against the balanced scorecard. This individual performance rating metric is then applied to the individual’s STI target award. Individual STI Payment = STI Target Incentive Award x Scorecard Performance Rating STI outcomes are therefore scaled up or down to reflect performance against the agreed KPIs in their Balanced Scorecard. The KPIs are set and reviewed annually. Prior to an award, the scorecard outcome is assessed holistically against individual and Group performance to determine if any discretion to vary from scorecard results should apply. The level of incentive outcome reflects the performance of AUB Group and the individual, thereby ensuring it is aligned with shareholders’ interests.
STI opportunity
Performance conditions
Why were these performance conditions chosen?
How STI outcome is then determined
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